Friday, September 29, 2006

Witness the Birth of Fear

Remember the movie where this 'guy' goes around chasing ppl with a chainsaw, then hang them in 'his' basement and slowly torture them and takes their skin.. wait, im not finished.. after 'he' takes the skin, he sews the skin and make somewhat a mask out of it and cover his face with the skin because 'he' has this disease where his face is somehow 'ugly' ... a brief description of the movie " The Texas Chainsaw Massacre " ...
sounds gruesome doens't it? one of the movies that gives you chills...

Guess what... there's technically a sequal for this movie... the timeline of this sequel is before the 1st movie...
" The Texas Chainsaw Massacre : The Beginning "

Here's the trailer ..

" Witness the birth of fear "



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