Thursday, March 12, 2009

a day in the life of...

here we go.. another one...
the semester is getting busier.

you know what you feel when you're at the end of the semester
and its 'rush hour' where things have to be handed in or like exam period and last minute studying feeling ?

thats it... its every week for me.
and its not getting any easier.
the price to pay for doing this course.
not that big of a deal though but its very exhausting.

i realized that now im time-conscious
and im not an 'organized' type of person so to speak.
haha.. but yes.. its hectic!
its so bad that sacrifices have to be made.. more work less fun this year
meaning Romesh.... 21st bday.... thinking twice ...

my classmate asked me how am i gonna cope for the next couple of years if i should continue architecture. this made me think ........
aw well.. getting used to it (i hope)
plus! my new desktop helps a lot! no more lagggggs while doing work
and ooh.. lets not forget the ever so helpful Chun Yik that 'tosser' :)

pay no attention to my ranting....



this is my brain talking ... Copyright © active since 2006