but who's counting? haha
(couldnt bother listing the lineups. google it if ur interested (:)
bummer side of this year's Future :
. almost everyone pulled out!
. i did not perform 'le ritual' properly
. squished-squashed by (friendly?) muh-zahs
. transport to and from to the racecourse wasnt efficient enough
. got tired as early as 7pm there. (getting too old for this) LOL
with that aside...
it wasnt as bad as i thought.
when i woke up, the weather was GLOOMY.
so i didnt bother to take my shades out but bought a jumper instead
but when we got there. the sun was shining.
it was warm and cool at the same time. perfect weather.
and then there was SUPER8 & TAB
gosh how i miss those tunes that can make me smile over and over and over again.
and the venue wasnt half as bad compared to Sydney Myer.
more spacious and easy to get around. cept that the mainstage was so overly crowded you couldnt even move.
so we were at the Godskitchen arena the whole way.
like a friend of mine said... "we live in a Kitchen!"
when i said "this is Home..."
Markus Shulz's set was alright but wasnt really 'feeling' it.
probably cause im dead tired. haha
ah well...
till the next Future.
hohoho.. ? we'll see....
*whispers* dj shah...
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